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Pershing yachts
Accessibility statement for private entities pursuant to Article 3, paragraph 1-bis of Italian Law no. 4 dated January 9, 2004
Ferretti S.p.A. undertakes to make its website accessible, in accordance with Law no. 4 dated January 9, 2004. This accessibility statement applies to: https://www.pershing-yacht.com.
This website is partially compliant with the requirements of Appendix A of standard UNI CEI EN 301549, due to the non-compliances listed below.
The content listed below is non-accessible for the following reasons related to non-compliance with Law no. 4 dated January 9, 2004:
C. - Some non-text content that is presented to the user does not have a text alternative that serves the equivalent purpose.
C. - In some cases, information, structure or correlations conveyed by the presentation of pages cannot be determined programmatically (or are not available through text);
C. - The visual representation of text and images containing text does not always have the required minimum contrast ratio, with the exceptions provided for in the legislation (e.g. logos);
C. - In some cases, images of text were used instead of text and are neither customisable nor essential to the type of information conveyed;
C. - For some essential components, even in different states, the colour contrast against adjacent elements does not exceed a ratio of 3:1;
C. - Some functions cannot be used via the keyboard (or interface with similar input);
C. - On some web pages that can be navigated sequentially and the navigation sequences affect meaning or operation, some focusable components do not receive focus in an order that preserves meaning and operability; - The purpose of some links cannot be determined from the link text alone or from the link text together with the link context;
C. - Headings and/or labels do not sufficiently clarify content or functionality;
C. - Some components that have the same functionality within a set of Web pages are not identified consistently;
C. - In some cases, if an input error is automatically detected, the item that is in error is not identified and/or the error is not described to the user in text;
C. - In some cases, labels or instructions are not provided when content requires user input;
C. - In some cases, user interface components (including: form elements, links and script-generated components...), names, roles, states, properties and values are not correct or set or the user and their assistive technologies are not notified when these change;
C. - In some cases, status messages are not presented to the user in such a way that assistive technologies interpret them without receiving focus;
This statement was prepared on 20.02.2023.
The test was carried out by third parties based on objective and subjective analysis (see Article 3, paragraph 1 of EU Implementing Decision 2018/1523 of the Commission).
It was last reviewed on July 24, 2024, in line with the recommendation to periodically (at least annually) review the accuracy of the claims in this accessibility statement.
In the event of an unsatisfactory reply or failure to reply within 30 days to the notification or request, the interested party may submit a report to AgID, by certified email sent to the following address: protocollo@pec.agid.gov.it
date of publication of the website: 30.03.2020
usability tests have been carried out: yes
CMS used for the website: DNN
Number of employees with disabilities in the administration: 5
Number of workstations for employees with disabilities: 0
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Tax code and VAT no. 04485970968 Registered Office Via Irma Bandiera, 62 – 47841 Cattolica (RN) Italy REA no. RN 296608 - Companies Register no. 04485970968 Share capital € 338.482.654,00 fully paid-up PEC: ferrettispa@pec.it
Concept Design by Craq Design Studio
Development by Yodigito