Inicio La empresa Yates GTX Concept Superficie Astillero
Pershing yachts
Categoría EVENTO
Fecha septiembre 27 2023
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Pershing is thrilled to welcome you to the Monaco Yacht Show 2023 from 27 to 30 September. Come and visit us at the Ferretti Group Stand, Port Hercule, Jetée Lucciana – JL1.
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P.IVA 04485970968 Sede Social, via Irma Bandiera 62, 47841 Cattolica (RN), Italia R.E.A.: RN - 296608 - Num. R.I. RN04485970968 Capital Social € 338.482.654,00 t.d. PEC:
Concept Design by Craq Design Studio
Development by Yodigito